What Did People Do Before Viagra?

Since the first time Viagra was released there has been a consistently high demand for it and other products that are similar to it. This leads people to wonder what happened before Viagra, generic Viagra, and "female Viagra" were available to them. 

Often when something gets widely adopted within a very short period of time people forget that things were different before the occurrence of whatever the development was. 

This is particularly true over time since the invention or products become more accepted and becomes assimilated into a person's life.

The Internet is a good example of something like that since few people these days can imagine a life without the Internet. 

Mobile phones are another example since they have been publicly available for a relatively short length of time but society as a whole is largely reliant on them for communication. 

Often people struggle to remember what things were like before the existence of these technologies. This leads to thinking about how people coped with situations that are now handled more effectively by these technologies and products.

When thinking about those people that take Viagra for its intended purpose, one has to consider what their situations were like before they had access to products like Viagra and its generic counterparts. 

There seems to have been no alternative other than to suffer from a problem that causes massive psychological damage to a person, even if it's just in the short term. 

This leads one to the understanding that not only has Viagra helped people physically to ease a condition that is embarrassing and unavoidable, but psychologically as well. This is not to say that there are no downsides to Viagra and generic Viagra and its other counterparts.

Often people can fail to realize that before a particular product or technology was available there were other means of performing the task. This loss of memory is often explained away by the fact that a task can be done more effectively or efficiently through the use of the products like Viagra or the Internet. 

The main factor to ponder is whether the new products and technologies provide greater benefits that the structure that was in place for the performance of the task previously. 

An example is a mobile phone, which makes it far easier for people to communicate, but it also cuts down on a person's private time. Viagra is another example since it does help to prevent impotence, but it also has side effects that can harm a person's health.

Now Listen Very Carefully Here:

1 Trick “Kills” Erectile Dysfunction, Wives Are Speechless (HINT: It’s not Viagra)

While half of all men over 40 are suffering severe cases of failure to stiffen up in bed… 75-year-old Tom can stay rock hard as long as he wants.

And he has no trouble pleasing his wife night after night (and even in the mornings).

But it’s NOT because Tom is taking some dangerous and artificial chemical pill… has sky-high testosterone… or is a genetic freak of nature.


Instead, it’s because this 75-year-old drinks a simple, delicious “tonic” every day that destroys the root cause of soft bedroom performances in men — allowing him to stiffen up on demand.

And today, he’s revealing the recipe for this potent “hardwood tonic”. It’s a handful of natural ingredients you can find at your local store, today.

So, if you want to NEVER have trouble getting it up again… then check out the recipe here (while you still can).