4 Unknown Foods That Increase Penis Size

You’ve wanted to increase your penis size, and maybe you’ve tried penis extenders or enlargement pills. Both are great methods of enhancement, but a lot of people often go for the quick fix rather than working on a key issue: food.

The foods you eat have a major impact on your penis size.

Natural penis enlargement foods should be added to your diet. These foods offer no side effects, and they’ve been shown to help people – just like you – increase the size of their penis. And these foods are also tasty.

What penis enlargement foods do I recommend?

1. Liver

I’m not a big fan of liver, but this is a food that is known to be a vasodilator. What does this mean? It means that it actually widens the body’s arteries. Wider arteries lead to more blood being allowed to flow throughout the body.

And what does this mean?

Harder erections. When you’re going to perform, the liver will help you have a naturally longer penis thanks to the added blood flow. You’ll want to remain cautious when eating liver because it does contain fats that, when eaten in abundance, may counteract the benefits of this food.

2. Chicken

Chicken is a great source of protein, and it’s also one of the best penis enlargement foods you can add to your diet. Lean, chicken is a good alternative to red meat and is very potent because it’s packed with niacin.

Niacin is a potent penis larger because it’s known to be a vasodilator.

You’ll find that chicken has the largest serving of any food. If you want to have a larger penis size, eat chicken. As a bonus, chicken can be eaten in large quantities, depending on how it’s cooked, without any side effects.

A lot of bodybuilders rely on chicken to keep their bodies low in fat.

3. Spinach

Natural penis enlargement vegetables are a thing, too. Spinach is also a food that’s high in zinc, and it’s also a great addition to salads and several other foods. The great thing is that Spinach tastes much better than oysters and provides many of the same enlargement benefits.

Spinach has a high content of:

  • Magnesium
  • Folate
  • Calcium
  • Vitamin A, C, and E
  • Thiamin
  • Vitamin B6

Even without its penis enlargement benefits, spinach is a good addition to every diet.

4. Chocolate

Who says that chocolate is bad for you? Sure, it’s not advised to eat tons of chocolate and anything else. You want to eat chocolate in moderation. But dark chocolate has been shown to increase nitric oxide production in the body.

What this does is help you get and maintain an erection.

There have been studies done trying to find a link between dark chocolate intake and a thicker penis. So, if you’re lacking in thickness, dark chocolate may be the solution to your problem.

CAUTION: Now I need you to pay very close attention to this

DON'T Do This To Make It Bigger

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