Penis Enhancement In 11 Days Without Using Pills Or Pumps Made Me Very Happy!

All right Guys, What Do You Think The Average Size Of A Penis Is?

Seemingly, the right answer is about 6 inches. Nevertheless, if you were to ask all of my girlfriends they think it is at least  8 inches !! 

Maybe they are being very optimistic but the reality is that all women would rather have a boyfriend with a bigger penis.

Consider this for a moment, will you? 

If you truly love hamburgers what would you prefer when you are hungry, a quarter-pounder or a juicy half-pounder? Do you get where I come from?

The same goes for girls.

Whoever made up the phrase ...."Size Doesn't Matter" was a man with a small penis!

As a woman, I am telling you that size does matter!

I have been with my latest boyfriend for about 8 weeks. He is cute and I like him. The problem was that he wasn't that well blessed in that department and while I never measured the size of his penis it was definitely no more than  6 inches. When we made love it never really did much for me and I was getting a bit disappointed with him.

Our Relationship Wasn't Working.

After a while, I had to let him know that things weren't working out between us. I couldn't let him know the real reason as that would have been too brutal. I was really shocked when he came out and said "Is it because of the size of my penis?"  I was amazed that he knew this all the time?

At any rate, I told him that I would stick around with him for now but I wasn't happy.  Now I was away on business for  2  weeks and when I came back he had a massive surprise for me. He had been through a penis enhancement program and I was truly shocked by the results!

3 Simple Exercises

My boyfriend showed me the three simple exercises that he was practicing while I was away.

The first one is a Kegel exercise (also known as the Pelvic Floor Exercise) that involves squeezing the buttock muscles and holding that squeeze for 10 seconds at a time. This also squeezes the penis muscles which over time will also allow a man to last longer in bed. 

Basic Stretch exercises are self-explanatory. It involves holding onto the head of the penis and stretching it up, down, and to the left and right. Do not overdo this exercise and if it starts to hurt then ease off and stop stretching quite as hard.

Jelqing. This is a special technique that is similar to masturbating. It results in more blood being forced into the penis and in 2 weeks made a big difference to my guy.

As with any exercise, it is important that if you wish to maintain your gains then you will need to do maintenance exercises for a few minutes a day. These exercises shouldn't hurt and if they do you are doing them too vigorously.

Are you serious about increasing the size of your penis?

My boyfriend grew to 8 inches in four weeks with no pumps, pills, or weights!

I wouldn't have believed it was possible without surgery to achieve penis enhancement results. If you want more confidence and more girls you need to get working right away by clicking here. 

12 Often-Ignored Causes of Low Sperm Count in Men

In recent times the problem of low sperm count and male infertility has become so prevalent, and has led to unhappy homes and unfulfilled hopes seemingly due to a myriad of often-ignored factors like environmental toxins; lifestyle factors, etc. which have all otherwise enormously affected fertility in men, and their inability to get a woman pregnant.

According to WHO, in other, for a couple to achieve a healthy pregnancy, the male partner's sperm will have to satisfy the data below:

  • Normal sperm count > 20 million sperm cells/mL
  • Sperm motility > 50%
  • Morphology (size and shape) of about 30%

The female partner also on her part must "ovulate" a healthy egg (ovum) from either of her ovaries in a copulation-timely fashion, for fertilization and conception to be achieved.

Ideally, abnormalities of the male spermatozoa could be described under the following headings:

  • Oligospermia (low sperm count): This accounts for about 10 -15% of cases of male factor infertility.
  • Asthenospermia (poor sperm motility): This is often associated with DNA fragmentation and increases the risk of transferring a genetic disease.
  • Teratospermia (abnormal sperm morphology): This refers to the shape and structure of the sperm.

The above sperm abnormalities can morbidly hinder a couple's efforts at getting pregnant, hence early diagnosis usually will save you a lot of time, so you can seek the right solution.

Sadly, a lot of men especially in this part of the world are reluctant, and exhibit pride in undergoing a sperm health checkup (seminal fluid analysis) in other to pinpoint a predisposing infertility problem. This attitude, however, is changing as health education continues to reach out on the web.

12 Common Risk Factors Associated With Low Sperm Count/Male Infertility:

As I earlier said, the problem of male infertility and low sperm count became prevalent as a result of our changing lifestyle, and environmental degradation amongst others.

"A recent report by Dr. Cecil Jacobson of Reproductive Genetic Center, Vienna, Virginia USA stated that sperm count has not declined over the past 4 decades. The study used dates of 1951 for the first comparison study. 1951 was well after the introduction of large amounts of chemicals into society and was a year in which vehicle emissions contained both high levels of lead and large amounts of toxic hydrocarbon and solvent combustion products. Also, by 1951 pesticide use was making its way into consumer use."

The following are the leading risk factors for Low Sperm Count in the tropics:

1. Cigarette Smoking:

Smoking lowers a couple's chances of conception by up to 20%, according to findings, by reducing male sperm production and also damaging the DNA structure (genetic material) of the sperm. Smoking also can affect sperm quality and overall male fertility health, hindering conception.

2. Drug/Substance Abuse:

Recreational drugs like cocaine and marijuana can temporarily reduce sperm count and quality, affecting a couple's chance of conception greatly by hindering the testicular capacity to create adequate sperm. And the use of anabolic steroids has also been linked to low sperm production.

3. Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs):

Bacterial organisms like Chlamydia Trachomatis and Gonorrhea are the commonest known causes of infertility-related infections in men, even in sexually active women. This group of microorganisms in men spread to the testis and epididymis (a tube that conveys sperm from the testicles) hindering the passage of sperm due to blockage caused by inflammation as a result of the ensuing infection.

4. Environmental Factors:

Occupational or prolonged exposure to toxins and chemicals (eg; pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, etc) are otherwise identified as Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDC) by environmental toxicologists. Studies have shown that the above chemicals reduce sperm production in males by hindering the function of testosterone (male hormone) that creates new sperm.

5. Physical or Mental Stress:

Stress has been linked to a reduction in sperm production in males, as a result of a hormonal imbalance created by stress hormones in the body (cortisol and adrenaline), indirectly affecting the function of testosterone.

6. Overheating the Testicles:

The testicles (or testis) anatomically are located outside the body. By the Creator's design, this is an indication that sperm production requires a subnormal body temperature (<37 C) for formation. And so, using hot bathtubs, wearing tight silk boxers; prolonged placing of laptops on your thighs could potentially reduce the counts of your swimmers thereby affecting your chances of getting your partner pregnant.

7. Obesity:

Obesity could affect your fertility health negatively by creating a hormonal imbalance in your physiology, reducing your testosterone level, and subsequently affecting sperm production. Maintaining an optimum BMI within 20 - 24 kg/m2 (body mass index) is ideal when preparing for conception.

8. Bicycle Riding:

In recent times, some comparative studies have revealed that cycling for a long time (more than 5 hours per week) can affect sperm quality and lower a man's odds of getting a woman pregnant. It is believed that pressure from the bike's seat could potentially injure blood vessels and nerves responsible for Attention in the perineum (a region between the anus and genitals). And so, the male partner is advised against cycling when actively trying to get his partner pregnant.

9. Age:

Age has been associated with male infertility and low sperm production. As a man advances in age (70 - 80 years), the longer it will take him to get his partner pregnant, compared to when he is young and sexually active.

10. Electromagnetic Field Radiation:

There is growing evidence that excessive exposure to EMF radiation could affect male fertility and also reduce sperm count in the process. Hence, reducing your exposure to X-rays and the use of mobile devices anywhere around your genitals is highly advocated.

11. Erectile Dysfunction:

Erectile dysfunction or weak Attention in layman's understanding is the inability of the joystick to maintain and sustain the Attention necessary for penetration. Many men suffer from this sexual health dysfunction, and this has often been linked to reduced testosterone activity in men leading to low sperm production.

12. Varicocele:

This condition is one of the commonest causes of infertility in men. It is characterized by abnormal enlargement and twisting of the veins that drain "de-oxygenated" blood from the testicles. Research shows that it affects 15 out of 100 men. Theoretically, varicocele impacts male fertility negatively by raising the temperature of the testicles, or through excessive pooling of blood in the vein carrying blood from the testicles resulting in reduced sperm production.

How To Assess Your Overall Sperm Health -- Total Sperm Check-Up:

The standard laboratory test for analyzing sperm health medically is called Seminal Fluid Analysis. Here are the guidelines, steps, and what to expect from your doctor or lab scientist during this evaluation procedure:

Step 1:

You will be counseled and asked to abstain from sexual intercourse for a maximum of 3 days before the test is done, to ensure adequate collection of your Fluid.

Step 2:

On the said the third day: You will be mandated to either Erupt into a sterile plastic container via masturbation or through Withdrawal Method with your partner and hurriedly send the collection to the Lab within 30 minutes. I usually recommend the first option to avoid delays.

Step 3:

Therein at the Lab, your Fluid will be stored at a suitable temperature or analyzed at once, for findings. Ideally, this test should be repeated at least 3 times over several months.

How To Prevent Low Sperm Count Condition - What To Do:

As long as you are concerned, preventing low sperm count conditions primarily will require a disciplinary and proactive approach on your part. Hence, I strongly recommend you get an accountability partner, your woman preferably to help you stay focused and track your efforts and progress.

Here Are Things To Stay Clear Off:

  • Avoid smoking
  • Aim to maintain an optimal Body Mass Index of <25kg/m2
  • Abstain from alcohol
  • Reduce exposure to environmental toxins, chemicals, and heavy metals at your home and workplace
  • Learn to manage stress
  • Limit or avoid self-medication. And always consult your healthcare provider for the right drug prescription.

Now Listen Very Carefully Here:

Increase Sperm Volume By 720% Naturally!

I've used these exact tricks you're about to learn to increase my own semen volume by a staggering 720%...  

Pros and Cons of A CO2 Laser For the Treatment Of Pearly Penile Papules

Pearly penile papules are small bumps of flesh, which appear on the head of the penis. The only medical solution to this skin condition is laser treatment. 

There are many types of lasers and technologies that can be used, the most popular of them being the CO2 laser treatment. This treatment involves using the laser on the affected area and dissolving the bumps. 

However, before undergoing this procedure it is absolutely necessary to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of this technique. If you still do not know too much about this laser treatment, here is some information that may help you make up your mind.

First, you have to know that the surgery is performed under local numbness. The substance which is used for numbing the area is called Lidocaine. If you have had no contact before this surgery with this type of substance, you should ask the doctor to apply some Lidocaine on your hand or another less sensitive part of your body, so that you can be sure you will not develop any allergy to the anesthetic.

Another very important thing that must be known beforehand is the fact that, even though you will not feel any kind of pain during the surgery, once the effects of Lidocaine will fade away, the pain will set in. 

Swallowing and scabbed skin may be the results of the surgery so the period after the surgery will be quite a difficult one. The recovery can take a week or even a month, depending on the way in which your body reacts to the operation. 

Thus, you must be sure that you are able to cope with this thing and that you can deal with the pain that follows the procedure. In addition to that, side effects may appear, which may be permanent.

Last, but not least, you should take into consideration the financial aspect. The procedure itself is quite expensive and in addition to that, you will also have to purchase special medication for the post-surgery treatment. 

Thus, other sums of money must be added. It is a great financial effort that has to be made and you must be sure that you have enough money to purchase everything you need before and after the surgery.

The decision which you have to make is quite difficult. However, before deciding to go for the procedure or live without it, you should discuss it with your doctor and see what the chances are that this procedure will be successful for you.

If you want a safe and effective method that will get you rid of the pearly penile papules without any pain or side effects Click Here

You will learn what to do in order to forget about this skin condition for good in a short amount of time and without any risks.

How to Increase Sperm Volume - 7 Easy Steps

A sudden spurt of thick or viscous semen while ejaculating is the desire of millions of men all over the world. This sudden release of voluminous sperm increases orgasmic pleasure.

If you want to increase your sperm volume without causing a dent in your pocket, go through the following. You are sure to achieve the height of orgasmic pleasure if you follow them strictly.

1. Proper hydration of the body is required.

It is a well-known fact that our body is made of 70% of water. Drinking at least 8-10 glasses of water every day is good for your body. The body requires enough water to produce various fluids including your semen. Studies have shown that drinking sufficient water will increase your energy by at least 25%.

2. L-arginine can be a boon for those who want to increase sperm volume

Taking L-arginine pills will help you not only increase your sperm volume but it will ensure you of better erections whenever you have sex. For those who don't know what actually is L-arginine, it's high time you knew it. It is an amino acid that serves as an important nutrient for the body.

3. Exercise will help you increase your sperm volume

Heavy exercises like weight lifting and rigorous push-ups will help you in increasing your sperm volume. It is due to the release of a hormone called testosterone. The release of more testosterone is good for sperm production. Moreover, exercises will help you to increase your stamina and overall health and well-being of your body.

4. Vitamins are essential for sperm production

Vitamins are very essential for sperm production. They are required daily by the body. Some important vitamins are-Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and Vitamin B12.You can take these multivitamin supplements from any medical store.

Saw palmetto and Maca are some extra ingredients specially meant for men.

5. Reduce excess intake of alcohol

Drinking excess alcohol will damage your liver. It will reduce the production of testosterone which is responsible for the production of sperm.

6. Sleep well

Have you ever noticed your penis being erect early in the morning? The reason is that sleep increases the level of testosterone at a much higher rate. Sleep doesn't mean the power nap that you take in the afternoon. It should be deep slumber.

7. Take a sperm volume supplement.

Taking sperm volume supplements (natural or synthetic) will help you in increasing your sperm volume as they are specially prepared for the same. However, if you want to take synthetic drugs, it's better you take them after consulting a doctor as they are known for causing side effects. Natural pills containing L-arginine and Maca can be taken as they are both safe and effective too. These supplements are worth ordering as they can give you the pleasure you long for in a very cost-effective way.

The above tips will surely bear fruit if you follow them strictly. Remember, miracles rarely happen. You have to put in enough effort if you want better results.

Now Listen Very Carefully Here:

Increase Sperm Volume By 720% Naturally!

I've used these exact tricks you're about to learn to increase my own semen volume by a staggering 720%... 

3 Simple Ways to Boost Your Semen Production by 500%

Increasing semen production is not just good for your fertility but is also great for enhancing orgasmic pleasure. A lot of men are unhappy with the volume of semen they ejaculate and would do anything to increase their semen production.

Though abstaining from sex for a few days can help build your semen reserve, it's not the most preferred way to boost your semen volume. Moreover, your body tends to lose excess semen after a few days either through nocturnal emissions or by passing out when you urinate.

There are some highly effective ways to boost semen production in men and some of them are listed below:

1. Eat the Right Foods

Your diet plays a crucial role in determining your semen volume. Certain foods can elevate your testosterone levels. Testosterone is the hormone that controls semen production in your body and a higher level of testosterone means increased semen volume.

When it comes to semen-enhancing foods, celery seems to have a solid reputation. What makes it unique is that it is a powerful testosterone enhancer. Research and trials have shown that even the scent of celery can spike up testosterone levels in your body. Thus, munch on raw celery for a couple of days to notice a difference in your semen production.

Pumpkin seeds too are excellent for increasing your semen volume. They also help enhance testosterone levels in your body.

If you aim to enhance your semen production, do not forget to include essential fats in your diet. This is because such fats are important for testosterone production in your body.

Moreover, it is extremely important to increase your intake of foods that are rich in zinc, magnesium, and selenium. These minerals are proven to enhance semen volume. I would highly recommend lean meat, chicken, and fish as a source of these minerals. Oily fish like tuna, salmon, etc. are abundantly rich in essential fats like Omega 3 fatty acids too.

2. Change Your Lifestyle

Here are some lifestyle changes to boost your semen volume:

1. Say no to alcohol since it lowers testosterone in your body.

2. Quit smoking since nicotine and other toxins not only lower your semen production but also damage the DNA structure of your sperm.

3. Exercise regularly since it is a great way to boost blood flow throughout your body. Exercises such as squats and lunges are great for increasing blood flow to your penis and testicles. Fresh blood brings in a lot of nutrients with it that help increase semen volume.

Do not forget to wear a jockstrap while exercising since a blow to your testicles can hurt you and your sperm too. However, you must avoid wearing tight underpants throughout the day since they can increase your scrotal temperature and affect both semen volume and sperm count adversely.

4. Avoid keeping the laptop in your lap while working on it.

5. Stop taking hot baths and sauna baths.

6. Try a cool shower in place of a hot bath.

7. Get enough sleep. This is because lack of sleep can lower your testosterone levels.

8. Manage stress through yoga and meditation since too much stress can also lower your testosterone and reduce semen production.

3. Try a Natural Semen Enhancer

Apart from the above, it's also a great idea to use a natural semen-enhancing supplement. Such supplements are in huge demand since they not only increase semen production but also ensure rock-solid and longer-lasting erections.

Such supplements are loaded with powerful herbal extracts, vitamins, and minerals and some of the best ones can help boost your semen volume by as much as 500% within a few months.

Top-of-the-line supplements contain ingredients like l-arginine, zinc oxide, Tribulus Terrestris, maca, etc.

Apart from enhancing your semen production, they can also help boost the force with which your ejaculate so that you can enjoy intense and powerful orgasms. Good quality supplements are safe and free of side effects. They are recommended by doctors too.

Now Listen Very Carefully Here:

Increase Sperm Volume By 720% Naturally!

I've used these exact tricks you're about to learn to increase my own semen volume by a staggering 720%... 

The 5 Deadly Sins Of Penis Enlargement (And What To Do To Avoid Them And Get Amazing Results)

Penis enlargement can be very rewarding. You can end up increasing the length of your penis by up to 4 extra inches. You can make your penis much thicker. You can make your erections harder. 

You can increase how long you last during intercourse. You can make your ejaculate release more explosive. You can improve the appearance of your manhood. And you can enhance the health of your prostate and penis. That all sounds amazing, doesn't it? This is what you are hoping for when you get started with a penis enlargement method, right? Well, there may be a problem...

If you commit one of the 5 deadly sins with male enhancement, then your chances of gaining even just one of those impressive benefits above are very slim. Read on to find out what they are and more importantly... how you can stop or avoid them so that you can get the manhood you have always wanted.

1. Choosing to use tools...

Using tools to try to get bigger manhood is like putting something on your bicep to try to make it bigger. It's just not happening. If anything, you'll gain a temporary increase (slightly) in length or girth with your manhood... and that's it. To make matters worse, whatever results you may get are not going to last and you can most certainly count on getting some kind of side effect.

2. Opting for surgical procedures...

Go into the doctor's office. A few hours later you walk out with a bigger penis! That sounds freaking awesome, doesn't it? It also sounds too good to be true, doesn't it? Well, there are 5 truths to surgical procedures. 

For one, you will get a bigger manhood (not really that significant, but it will increase in size). However, you will have side effects, a potentially disfigured penis, an incredibly long recovery time (without sex), and you WILL be spending A LOT of money (and I'm talking about THOUSANDS of dollars).

3. Not taking the rest of your body into account...

Just like building muscle, you can't just hit the gym and start lifting weights expecting to pack on muscle. There are many other things that come into play with building muscle (nutrition, sleep, water consumption, natural supplements, etc.). The same theory applies to getting a bigger penis.

You see, one of the key aspects of a penis erection is blood flow. If there is not enough blood flow, your penis erection won't be as big nor will it be as hard as it should be. Therefore, it is vitally important (and I recommend you do this anyway) that you eat healthier foods that will help with blood circulation (such as berries, nuts, and foods high in antioxidants) and ensure you are exercising more often. This will of course improve your overall health and body as well.

4. Trying to speed up development...

Please forgive me, but I'm going to use another muscle-building example one more time. If you attempt to pack on muscle too quickly, what happens? That's right, you'll end up injuring yourself and you'll end up with little to no growth. That same principle applies to getting a bigger penis.

Think about it this way...

The size you are at now was supposed to be the size you were meant to stay with for life based off of your genetics, right? Now clearly, changing something that was supposed to be one way based off of genetics isn't going to be an overnight accomplishment, right?

5. Avoiding enhancement of all areas of your manhood...

Penis enlargement should never be a pick-and-choose method. Okay, you're going to hate me here, but I just have to use a muscle-building reference just one more time (lol). With building muscle, you can't just work on your chest or arms, right? If you do, you will end up with a TON of issues. The same goes for improving your manhood.

Your penis functions (and looks) better when all areas are in unison. Increased length, increased girth, increased blood flow and strengthening your PC (puboccocygeus) muscle.

So, What Works Best To Avoid Those Deadly Sins?

Going the natural route and exercising your penis is by far the best and most effective method there is for improving every area of your manhood naturally, safely, significantly, and permanently?

Why is that you ask?

Well, penis exercises are for one very gentle. Secondly, the pressure from your hands (which is all you need to do the routines by the way) contains the perfect amount of pressure to stimulate growth. Thirdly, this is the only method that will naturally cause cell division and cell regrowth with your penile shaft. 

And lastly, this method improves every area of your manhood... quickly, naturally, permanently, and will do so without causing side effects.

Are you ready to Enlarge Your Penis FAST, grow longer and thicker in weeks, and give your woman SCREAMING orgasms? 

Well, I highly recommend the Penis Enlargement Remedy Program. 

This award-winning program is safe, effective, and permanent, and you can download everything INSTANTLY (no embarrassing stops at a store or packages to receive)! I went from 5.5 inches to 7.5 inches in 8 weeks with this powerful program!

For more information, Click HERE to learn more!

WARNING: This program is EXTREMELY effective, and I highly recommend you stop the program for 48-72 hours if you begin to grow more than an inch in a week's time.

When You Should See Your Doctor About Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile Dysfunction may occur within a man's life for a variety of reasons. Some of these reasons are related to non-medical causes and do not warrant a visit to your physician or health care professional. 

Some issues such as fatigue or excessive drinking may cause temporary Erectile Dysfunction (ED) that will clear up as soon as the man is rested or becomes sober. However, some situations may arise that signal that the Erectile Dysfunction a man may be experiencing may be caused by more serious factors. 

Knowing when you should see a doctor could help relieve the anxiety commonly associated with ED.

One way to determine whether or not you are experiencing significant Erectile Dysfunction is to assess how many dysfunctions you are experiencing. A brief stint here and there is no cause for alarm, but if you are experiencing ED more than 25% of the time, you should schedule an appointment with your doctor. 

Some men feel uncomfortable discussing the condition with their doctor. If this is the case then ask your physician for a recommendation to a urologist. A urologist specializes in treating ED and will have access to tests and treatments that your doctor may not have.

If you have a predetermined health condition and begin to experience Erectile Dysfunction, it is imperative that you see your doctor or urologist right away. Some conditions may increase your chances of developing ED and your doctor or urologist will be able to offer various treatments and remedies. 

Diabetes, high blood pressure, hardening of the arteries, and heart disease can increase your risk of developing Erectile Dysfunction. Your urologist can prescribe medications or other erectile dysfunction treatments that will help improve your sexual health.

Sometimes Erectile Dysfunction is the cause of emotional issues, such as anxiety, fear, and depression. Often these emotional issues will subside naturally. However, if the emotional issues seem to increase or if they begin to affect your daily life, then you should contact your doctor right away. 

There are a number of medications that may be prescribed to help treat depression and anxiety disorders and seeking the advice of your healthcare professional are instrumental in restoring your emotional health. Your doctor may also recommend that you see a psychiatrist or psychologist as well and you should not find this discouraging. 

Treating depression and other anxiety disorders is not just beneficial to your sexual health, but untreated depression and anxiety disorders can lead to life-threatening issues. If you are suffering from depression or other anxiety issues that last for longer than 2 weeks, schedule an appointment with your healthcare professional immediately.

Only a qualified healthcare professional can assess the exact cause of your Erectile Dysfunction. Though there are many benign causes, the fact that ED can signify a serious underlying health condition makes it a necessity to seek treatment. 

Also, if you are taking medications for another condition, it is possible that the medication that you are currently being prescribed is contributing to Erectile Dysfunction. Only a qualified healthcare worker can make the adjustments necessary to either change your dosage or prescribe a different medication entirely. 

Though you may feel uncomfortable discussing your sexual health with your doctor, you will feel better once you have determined the cause of the problem and have appropriated methods to resolve Erectile Dysfunction.

Now Listen Very Carefully Here:

Curing ED - Everything You Need Is In Your Pants

Suppose I walked up to you and told you that everything you need to cure ED is in your pants. Suppose I went further and said that you can cure ED without any medications – and that all it requires is a few minutes of your time every day, for a few weeks.

Absolutely no medications, no doctor’s appointments. Suppose I added that the process is as simple as ABC.

You’d say you didn’t believe me, wouldn’t you?

That’s what I said when I first learned about this easy method of curing ED. That was until I looked into the sound, scientific principles behind it...

You see, there are these erectile mastery exercises that have been created after years of painstaking research into why some men have trouble getting erections – and maintaining them. The exercises give you an almost effortless cure for ED.

The method works because it’s based on your body’s natural ability to heal itself through applied movement. Your penis and pelvic area have muscles which, if exercised in the right way, can eliminate ED, once and for all.

This is not magic. These are not ancient secrets that have been hidden for thousands of years.

These are, however, very practical and straightforward exercises that will vanquish both emotional and physical ED. Of course, this might sound impossible, and you could be skeptical – and rightly so. But these erectile mastery exercises have been proven to be completely effective in 93.2% of men.

And it only takes a few days. Now imagine the sexy, bold self-confidence that will be yours when you have conquered ED with exercises that no one will know you’re even doing.

You owe it to yourself – and to her – not to decide it can’t be done until you have tried the program out for yourself. It will do all that is claimed for it, and surprise you with its practical and sensible step-by-step approach.

Find out for yourself, now...

The 3 Biggest Problems Faced When Jelqing to Get a Bigger Penis!

Have you tried jelqing to get a bigger penis? Jelqing is now known as one of the most popular, tried, and tested exercises to increase penis size naturally. It was first discovered many hundreds of years ago by the Kings and Rulers of the Middle East and has been used ever since. 

Although jelqing is, without a doubt, one of the best exercises to get a bigger penis, that doesn't mean it doesn't have its problems!

1. You should always jelq with a semi-erect penis. You should try and aim for an erection level of 50%-75%. However, one of the biggest problems most beginners face is finding that they get too erect. If you are faced with a full-blown erection while jelqing, then immediately stop.

Jelqing with a full erection is dangerous and can lead to injuries. Give yourself enough time for your penis to lose its erection and then continue. As you become more experienced and better at penis exercises, you will no longer have this problem.

2. Jelqing has been known to give many men the "baseball bat effect". This is when the head of the penis becomes far larger and wider than the rest of the shaft. This is a problem that is usually caused by incorrect techniques. The problem is that with so many guys looking to increase their penis size and so much information available, it isn't always possible to follow good, sound advice.

This is why I believe it is of paramount importance that you should invest in a decent and reputable penis exercise program. Jelqing involves exercising from the base of the penis to just below the head. Once you have the technique right, you should never encounter the baseball-bat effect and the unwanted side effects this can cause.

Related: 10 Inch Dick: Monster 10 Inch Penis Owners Guide

3. Jelqing without lubrication is dangerous and can be extremely painful. One of the first things you will learn from a good penis exercise program is that you should never "dry jelq". Without suitable lubrication, this can lead to blisters, cuts, and extreme soreness of your member! One of the worst outcomes of jelqing dry is a large swelling of the penis which is known as the doughnut effect!

If you wish to jelq to increase your penis size naturally, you MUST always use lubrication. Many guys use baby oil or vaseline, however, I prefer vaseline intensive care as it is far less messy and easier to clean up afterward.

If you are going to try jelqing to get a bigger penis, be very careful and ensure you don't encounter these 3 problems!

CAUTION: Now I need you to pay very close attention to this

If you're ashamed of the size of your penis and the thought of surgery scares you half to death you need to do something about it right now! 

The next page contains some of the most shocking information about Natural Penis Growth that you will ever read.

You simply cannot afford to miss this - Click Here

How To Dramatically Improve Penis Girth During Penis Enlargement?

I'm going to be more honest with you than most guys dare to be: Penis girth is the single most important aspect of penis size. Every guy on the planet either wants or should want to improve their girth. 

Why? Because women absolutely love it! Even if you have the longest penis in the world it won't make nearly as much difference as having a big girth for your woman. People are at last becoming wise to the truth - penis girth is vital. 

Let's not jump the gun here, length is also very important to penis size, but girth is what separates the average man from the incredible lover...

Penis girth can be found by measuring around your penis when it's erect. This measurement is so damned significant because a big girth will send a woman into raptures of unimaginable pleasure. It affects a woman in ways that even the longest length ever could. I mention all of this because guys are so caught up on length that girth is completely forgotten.

European surveys have been conducted into penis size which can help everyone in realizing the true state of play. 90% of women stated that they would take a big girth over a big length. The science behind why this is the case is both simple and relatively unknown to anyone outside the sexual sphere of scientific research - surprising considering how much humans seek and value sex...

What happens is that the walls of a vagina contract around a penis during intercourse - the bigger the contraction the better the feeling for her. A bigger girth requires a bigger contraction which is the reason why girth is so important. The contractions lead to the nerves in the vagina is stimulated.

As men prefer a tighter vagina during sex women prefer a tighter fit too (by way of a bigger penis). The couples who best complement each other in bed do so in this area. She is smaller, and he is bigger. Sex becomes wonderful.

Kinsey's famous sex report from the 1950s reveals that 4-5 inches were the average girth for men. Durex, the condom maker, found the average to be 5.2 inches. Women who tested various sex toys revealed that anything above 7.5 inches was 'intensely pleasurable' and anything below fell short.

I used to have a 3-inch girth. I then discovered how to make my penis huge with The Penis Enlargement Remedy.

Penis Enlargement Medicine Shock Side Effect Warning - Vision & Hearing Loss, Heart Attacks & More

More and more men are turning to penis enlargement medicine to get a bigger penis. However, some men are greatly risking their health by choosing the wrong penis enlargement medicines for them. 

Keep reading to find out the best and the worst penis enlargement drugs and medicine available for men - and how you can get the penis enlargement results you are really after without risking your health.

I understand that you are reading this article because you are looking for ways to increase your penis size. Thankfully in this day and age, there is a lot you can do to get a bigger penis, both width, and length, and you can reach your goal penis size weight without risking your health. This article will help you do that.

Penis enlargement medicines have been on the market for many years now. Probably the most well-known one is Viagra. Viagra caused a sensation when it first came out onto the market. Men of all ages started taking it. 

We have all heard stories or seen a comedy skit of men who have taken Viagra and eight hours later have a super hot penis that they just cannot cool down in any way... Imagine how embarrassing it is when you have to go about your daily business when it is well-known to everyone around you that you are very aroused.

I know from personal experience that a friend of mine, who had not been with a woman for quite a long period of time, was going on a hot and heavy date with a very sexy woman. He wanted to make sure that he would be able to perform for her adequately and not finish too quickly. 

So he took Viagra. However, she did not want to have sex with him. So there he was the whole entire evening with a really big erection that just wouldn't disappear. Needless to say, the woman never wanted to see him again, and it was extremely embarrassing.

This is a more comical side effect of taking Viagra. But let's look for a moment at more serious side effects that you may not be aware of. Viagra can actually strongly affect color vision. Many men noticed a change in the way that they perceive the colors green and blue or they even see the world around them with a slight blush for many hours. You can imagine that pilots should not take Viagra within 12 hours of flying.

Men who take heart medication or angina medication for any reason should not take Viagra. It can greatly affect the effectiveness of the medication and many men have now been confirmed as having heart attacks as a result of their Viagra use.

Younger men are also taking Viagra, whereas initially, it was solely for senior citizens. They can actually end up becoming dependent on the drug and, in fact, may become unable to have an erection naturally without it.

The drug Cialis can also cause muscle aches in a percentage of users.

I have just spent time on the official Levitra website. While it is a good thing that they are displaying the side effects of Levitra, these side effects should cause great concern to any man who is looking to use it as a penis enlargement medicine.

Color vision changes also happen with Levitra. Some men have reported a sudden decrease or loss of vision in one or both eyes. Some men have experienced a sudden loss or decrease in hearing, ringing over the years, and dizziness... And what's perhaps the most shocking of all is the last sentence on the website which says "these are not all the side effects of Levitra".

For all of these reasons, I do not recommend any of these medicines for penis enlargement. You do not need to risk your health to get the penis size that you're after. In fact, there are herbal supplements that have been proven to work to give the results that you want that are safe and will give you any adverse side effects at all.

So now that you have a clear understanding of what penis enlargement medicines to avoid, let me give you some expert advice about finding the best penis enlargement medicine for you that is all-natural and will give you the results that you are after without risking your health.

The first thing to look for is the ingredients... The ingredients should be all-natural and safe, approved by the FDA.

The penis pills should also have a good name and reputation in the marketplace, and have been sold to men worldwide for at least five years - 10 years is ideal.

The website should have easy navigation and many ways to contact customer support either by email, phone, or live chat facilities.

The best penis enlargement medicine will also be covered by a risk-free, money-back guarantee. That means that you will feel completely confident that when you make your purchase today that it is a safe purchase for you, it is risk-free, and if for any reason you would like to get a refund of your purchase, it is easy for you to do so.

So now that you have all this information hand about penis enlargement medicines to avoid and the best penis enlargement drug choices available to you, the sooner you get started with buying a penis pill today, the sooner you will reach the penis enlargement size that you are after and have the awesome sex that goes with it.

Now Listen Very Carefully Here:

Are you ready to Enlarge Your Penis FAST, grow longer and thicker in weeks, and give your significant other MIND BLOWING orgasms? 

Well, I highly recommend the Penis Advantage exercise program! This award-winning program is safe, effective, and permanent, and you can download everything INSTANTLY (no embarrassing stops at a store or packages to receive)! I grew 1 inch bigger in 4 weeks with this powerful program!

For more information, click to learn more! 

WARNING: This program is EXTREMELY effective, and I highly recommend you stop the program for 48-72 hours if you begin to grow more than an inch in a week's time.

Celebrities' Breast Enlargement - Important Truth That Most People Never Know

I know you have been guilty of this before... whether you are a male or female. I am sure you are wondering what I am talking about, right? Well, what I am talking about that you are guilty of is looking at the lovely, big, full, and firm breasts of the many celebrities out there. 

Whether it is Salma Hayek, Britney Spears, Kristen Stewart, Mariah Carey, Eva Mendes, Christina Milian, Jessica Simpson, Monica Bellucci, Halle Berry, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Heidi Montag, Estella Warren, Jennifer Lopez or Christina Aguilera, the list is endless - their lovely looking breasts have never failed to excite men and women alike. 

But are their breasts really completely real or they had breast enlargement surgery to increase their sizes?

The truth of the matter is that one can never really say, for sure, whether the breasts of these celebrities are real or a result of breast enlargement. While MOST of them have actually done some form of breast enlargement or another, lots of them have not. 

But how can you know which ones have been done and which ones haven't? If you knew how their breast sizes were before and how they are now, that might give you an indication of whether they did something to increase the sizes or not. Yes, this is one way to know, especially if they had already grown beyond the years of naturally enlarging their breasts.

But the real truth that one should concern herself with is this - the many celebrities out there who really had some form of enlargement did so because they knew they will be more loved with bigger and firmer breasts than otherwise. Even though many women don't like to admit that, it's the truth. 

And if you are able to ask these celebrities how they now feel after their breast enlargement, most will tell you that they now feel much better about themselves.

So, if celebrities are having breast enlargement done to make themselves look better, why shouldn't you? What is important is to ask yourself if you can afford it or not. It's not wise to go out of your way to spend money you can't afford to spend, just because you want to get an enlargement surgery done. It's also not wise to endanger your life in any surgery. 

Talk to your doctor about the risks and ensure that you are going with a very experienced surgeon who will carry out the enlargement surgery on you.

If you are afraid of the risks associated with surgery, then you can investigate how to get your breasts enlarged without surgery. Yes, it's indeed possible to increase the size of your breasts using natural ways!

Click HERE for Before-After Breast Enlargement Pictures of an ordinary lady like YOU that used natural breast enlargement to get the breast size she wanted.

Do Shockwaves Perk Up Erectile Dysfunction Issues?

"Uh-oh. THAT'S not good." When erectile dysfunction strikes, a man is apt to panic, and if it becomes a chronic issue, his sex life is going to be severely hampered. Let's face it, of all penis health issues, this is the one that gives most men the willies, which makes them beg "please don't let this happen to me." 

Fortunately, in recent years medical science has discovered a number of medications, such as sildenafil, which can be a huge help in fighting erectile dysfunction. There also are a number of other still-not-proven erectile dysfunction treatments which show promise, among them the use of shockwaves on the penis.


OK, so let's get this out of the way: shockwaves have nothing to do with actually "shocking" the penis. In this context, shockwaves refer to sound waves, pulses of acoustic energy, that are directed at the penis.

There have been a number of studies looking at shockwave therapy and erectile dysfunction. One of the more recent studies was conducted at the University of Naples Federico II. For this study, 156 men with diabetes were enrolled. (Why men with diabetes? Because erectile dysfunction, often due to nerve damage, is a common complication related to diabetes; it also tends to be more severe among men with diabetes than among men in the general population.)

In tandem with a pill

Some earlier studies looked at shockwaves alone in treating erectile dysfunction, but this study looked at both shockwaves and tadalafil, the generic name for a popular pull used to fight erectile issues.

The 156 men enrolled in the study were divided into groups that were as evenly matched as possible in terms of age, demographics, etc. All of the men had taken an erectile dysfunction test and had averaged a score of 15.5. (On this test, a score of 22 to 25 indicates excellent erectile function; a score of five to seven is severe erectile dysfunction. So the average score indicated a fair amount of erectile issues.

All of the men were given tadalafil for the 12 weeks of the study. Half were also given shockwave therapy twice a week for three weeks when the study started. 

Because of the tadalafil, both groups reported increases in their erectile dysfunction scores - but those who also used shockwaves had higher increases. And this change also was true even six months after the study ended. (The study also indicated that men who received greater numbers of shockwaves during treatment had better results.)

How come?

So why should shockwaves make a difference in whether a guy's penis gets and/or stays hard? One theory is that shockwaves stimulate growth factors, which in turn help with healing and cell growth. By potentially helping to regrow and strengthen nerve fibers and blood vessels, the growth factors can better enable blood to rush in and fill the penis when an erection is needed.

More studies are needed in order to get a better understanding of just what role shockwaves might play in erectile dysfunction therapy and how they could be properly used. (For example, is it something that might require a number of intense sessions in a short period of time and then follow-up sessions spaced farther apart?) But it does seem to have the potential to further aid men with their hard-ons.

Now Listen Very Carefully Here:

1 Trick "Kills" Erectile Dysfunction, Wives Are Speechless (HINT: It's not Viagra)

A medical study fresh out of Harvard finally revealed the “true cause” of why men over 40 experience a sudden decline in hardness and performance… 

It has nothing to do with testosterone levels…

Nothing to do with blood circulation

Instead, it’s down to a sinister compound that ATTACKS the smooth muscle of your wood and blocks you from getting and staying hard…

But the good news is…

A herbal supplement based on an ancient Tibetan remedy instantly removes this blockage and stiffens up your wood in minutes…

This herbal supplement doesn’t involve a special diet or changing your habits.

It doesn’t involve any exercise or weird chemical pills…

Getting back your stiffness literally takes only seconds each day...

Because it removes the blockage to your smooth muscle function….

And when you do this, you stiffen up in no time…like when you were in your early 20s…

Just imagine you can finally remove the real hidden cause of not being able to stiffen up on demand (and let me tell you… you will be shocked!)

It works for men of any age, regardless if you’ve been struggling with issues getting wood hard for years or only a few weeks…

This supplement will stun your lady with your new hardness and thickness:


Red Boost

Red Boost is a unique formula that floods your body with natural, blood-boosting nutrients and supports your circulatory system as well as your sexual performance.

These nutrients can help your body support healthy blood flow and make you feel wonderful again. When you have the best possible blood flow, more oxygen is available to feed your cells and organs… And that means that your body can once again function like that of a much younger person.

Red Boost is everything you need to maintain optimal blood flow…

"If anyone consumes this capsule for six months, the effect of this pill can impact for two years"

Here is a video that explains it better than I can.

Pearly Penile Papules - Explain To Your Partner What They Are

When you wake up one morning and see that small bumps have grown up on the head of your penis, you are certainly shocked, do not know what they are, how they got there, and what should you do in order to treat them. It is absolutely normal to feel like that, just as it is quite normal to feel embarrassed and want to hide the whole deal until you can tell it as a joke to your friends after a beer or two. 

However, there is someone to whom you will have to disclose your secret after all and that person is your partner.

Think about your reaction when you saw the bumps. Now if you felt that way, you can be sure that your partner will not react in a compassionate way if she sees those papules on your penis for the first time, without any previous warning. 

In fact, even though you may expect a certain reaction, it will certainly be painful when she will laugh at you or on the contrary, will be so scared that will not even want to touch you. This is why you will have to explain to her beforehand what those bumps are.

You should have an open discussion, where you will tell her that the pearly penile papules are not an STD, not even a contagious disease, so she has nothing to be afraid of. 

Also, explaining to her that this is only a skin condition that appears for no other reason but the bad function of your own body will probably calm her and avoid some useless tensions which may appear between you two. 

If necessary, show her pictures from the internet, so that she can compare them with the skin condition you are suffering from and see that there is no connection between those bumps and the ones caused by STD.

If you have a life partner, with whom you share both the good and the bad things it should not be so difficult and she will probably understand. Those who do not have a constant partner will experience some trouble in explaining their condition, but it is better to prevent it than having to face a reaction that will severely affect your image and your self-esteem.

Now Listen Very Carefully Here:

How I Cured My Pearly Penile Papules in 5 Days?

Instead of troubling yourself about what others will say when seeing your little friend invaded by papules you should treat this condition fast and easily. 

Learn how you can get rid of pearly penile papules forever by Clicking Here. You will never have to worry about those bumps ever again.