Known Breast Enlargement Surgery Side Effects

The obvious reason why a number of women submit to breast augmentation is to get the effect of having a fuller and sexier bust. Although this cosmetic procedure can bring amazing results for a woman, both physically and emotionally, there are some common breast enlargement surgery side effects that they must be aware of. 

Don't worry though because a patient may or may not feel these after-effects following the surgery and they are just normal, not life-threatening at all. In fact, it's rare that a patient suffers any physical discomfort after a breast enlargement procedure, provided she has had her surgery done in a reliable clinic and performed by a skilled cosmetic surgeon.

Yet even if you had an excellent surgeon do your breast augmentation, certain side effects may take place such as:

Tightness of the Breast Tissues

This breast tightness with no serious pain felt takes place hours after the effect of local anesthetic injected into the breast area during the surgery starts to diminish. Depending on the patient's body and pain tolerance, this discomfort may turn into mild to moderate feelings of tightness.

Breast and Back Discomfort or Neck Pain

Although this case is rare, some patients have experienced breast and back discomfort or neck pain because of the enlarged weight of the implants. In order to avoid causing any damage to the underlying implants in the breasts, it's advised that patients keep away from causing any extreme trauma to their breast tissues right after the breast enlargement surgery is administered.

Sleeping Uneasiness

This is actually one of the most common breast enlargement surgery side effects since having sore breasts from the surgery will be likely to result in sleeping uneasiness. You can avoid this feeling of discomfort when you sleep by using your specifically designed surgical bra when in bed and taking painkillers prior to getting your snooze time.

Feelings of Euphoria and Exhaustion

With the introduction of modern anesthetics in breast enlargement surgeries, it's very unusual for patients to feel nauseous or sick after they have undergone the procedure. Usual activities such as sitting and eating can even be resumed just an hour following the surgery. But the day after the surgery, feelings of euphoria are typically felt by patients, while two to three days later, feelings of exhaustion take place. 

This is the outcome of the adrenaline rush a patient feels prior to her surgery and as an effect of the anesthetic medication. These unusual feelings are quickly overcome by the patients one to two weeks following the breast augmentation.

Capsular Contraction

If the surgeon did not use a modern type of implant and did the surgery without much care, there's a risk that a patient will suffer Capsular contraction which takes place once the body creates a lining around the implants and tightens them. 

This may lead to firmness in the breast tissues surrounding the implants, which will then result in feelings of discomfort and alteration in the shape of your newly enhanced breasts.

Follow-up appointments with the cosmetic surgeon are necessary for every patient who just underwent a breast augmentation. This will help clear the patient's concerns about any possible discomforts she may be feeling after the surgery. 

Here's a tip: you can avoid those unwanted physical breast enlargement surgery side effects if you just get a natural bust size and shape implants that are in proportion to your general physique.

CAUTION: Now I need you to pay very close attention to this

We all have enough “Estrogen” in our bodies to make our breasts grow 10-cup sizes if we wanted.

What makes breasts grow are your hormones (not just estrogen) which means you can grow your breasts naturally by eating certain types of foods that increase hormone levels in your body. 

But for this to be successful, don’t just raise your hormone levels. Raise certain hormones at a certain time of your menstrual cycle.

Let me explain:

When you go through your menstrual cycle, your body raises certain hormones during the cycle. 

So when your body raises estrogen, you need to eat foods that increase estrogen levels in your body and when your body raises progesterone levels, then eat foods that increase progesterone in your body.

Here is a video that explains it better than I can.

It can take at least 2 months to show results by doing it this way. It’s like going to the gym, changing your body takes time as your body needs to process all the changes.