The Most Effective Penis Pill to Increase Penis Girth

Many men would like to know what the number one supplemental pill is for increasing penis girth. There are a lot of products on the market that say they can increase penis size and girth, but do any of them actually work?

A lot of men believe that they are inadequate in regard to the size of their members. When it comes to statistical information the average erect penis is about 5.5 inches in length and about 5 inches in girth. 

The size that is most important to men is usually the girth or thickness of the penis. Reports have indicated from a survey administered to women that they are more satisfied with men who have thicker penis than longer ones.

One male enhancement supplement that has been getting a lot of rave reviews recently is MaleExtra. 

This product has a lot of satisfied customers sending in before and after photos to their website. What would make men want to send in exposed photos of themselves you ask?

First, MaleExtra has an ingredient in it called pomegranate 70% Ellagic Acid which has been called nature's natural Viagra. 

This particular ingredient alone has been noted for increasing men's erections and sexual arousal. In addition, this ingredient helps to keep the erection throughout intercourse.

Each serving of MaleExtra contains 1500 mg of ingredients. The ingredients include L-Arginine, Pomegranate (70% ellagic acid), Muria Pauma, MSM (Methyl Sufonyl Methane), Omega 3 Fatty Acid, and many more effective ingredients. 

All of these ingredients have been blended and formulated so that the user will realize the best possible gains quickly and effectively.

Now it is important to state that no penis pill alone will increase your penis girth permanently. But, when MaleExtra is paired up with a quality exercise routine such as penis health, it is possible to increase the girth of your penis by up to 3 inches. 

In addition to the size that you may obtain you will experience harder erections and harder ejaculations.