Male Libido and Age - Rejuvenate Your Libido Quickly and Naturally, Here's How You Do It

Male libido as we all know declines with age but you do not have to settle for low libido in middle or old age you can remain sexually active if you provide your body with the right fuel. Read on and find out how to repair and increase your libido naturally...

Here we are going to look at some key causes which see male libido decline with age and then some proven herbs to target low libido

So why does libido decline with age?

There are many reasons but here are some common ones.

The first is sluggish blood circulation quite simply for overall health and sexual health you need to have your blood pumping strongly around the body and to the extremities such as the genitals. As we age, circulation declines and so does our overall health. 

Once the blood reaches the genitals, it must enter the Penis and this means you need nitric oxide. This chemical is the key to an erection and declines with age. Its role is to relax and expand the blood vessels of the penis to allow sufficient blood in to create an erection. If you fail to get enough of it, you simply won't get one.

Another problem is low energy levels, fatigue, and stress - these are passion killers and simply make you too tired for sex. Last but not least - testosterone levels, drop as we get older and the fact is for peak sexual wellness you need it.

Before we look at some proven herbs to correct the above let's make some common sense points on lifestyle.

The Basics

If you take drugs, drink, or smoke heavily - it's time to cut down or even better give up. These are all known passion killers.

Next, you are what you eat!

While we will be giving you some herbs that help all the above problems of low libido, you need a good diet and that means plenty of lean meat, fish, vegetables, and fruit. You should eat as naturally from the earth as possible and reserve fatty and refined foods for occasional treats.

Also, get gentle exercise. You don't have to slave in the gym for hours, just 30 minutes a day to get your heart rate up and a brisk walk will do.

Now let's look at some herbs and supplements which are some of the best to increase libido.

Herbs Proven to Increase Libido

Let's start with:


Known as nature's Viagra, this is a nonessential amino acid produced by the body and attacks two key causes of low libido. First, it improves blood circulation within the body but its main role in sexual health is its ability to boost nitric oxide levels. In a test after just two weeks, 80% of the group taking supplementation reported stronger and better erections, as well as an increase in desire and satisfaction.

Horny Goat Weed

A great name and a great libido enhancer to will help increase nitric oxide levels but will also increase testosterone levels as well as increase energy levels in the body and decrease stress.

Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo Biloba is a fantastic circulatory tonic. It improves blood flow and oxygen throughout the body and to the extremities. In addition, its anti-oxidant action helps protect blood vessels, keep them healthy, and reduce arteriosclerotic lesions. In its role as an antioxidant, it helps increase the half-life of the endothelium relaxation factor, important for a long erection with strong blood flow.

Tongkat Ali

Tongkat Ali increases levels of free testosterone and decreases SHBG levels in the body. Both assist a man's erection ability and sex drive. Medical tests have also shown that Tongakat ali increases sperm count, sperm size, and motility.

Tribulus Terrestris Extract

Tribulus is also a circulatory system tonic and can help build muscle and strength and is the ultimate energy herb. This herb contains protodioscin a saponin constituent which helps men with impotence recover libido and also assists sperm motility in infertile and sub-fertile men.

A Base to Repair Libido

The above herbs cover all the common causes of low libido namely, low nitric oxide and testosterone levels, poor circulation, and lack of energy. If taken as part of a sensible lifestyle will enhance and increase libido. The decrease in male libido with age happens - but you can take steps to recover it and it does it naturally.

Now Listen Very Carefully Here:

Brazilian twig tea = wood in 30 secs

An unusual discovery changes everything we thought we knew about getting rigid. Researchers studied a tribe deep in the mountains of Brazil…

Where the people have no modern meds like blue pellets. And they discovered that the elders – guys in their fifties, sixties, seventies, and beyond – were still banging the young chicks in the tribe every day.

And I’m talking for hours on end, without any chemical stimulation whatsoever. Researchers couldn’t work out how these men were still so virile, when so many men in America struggle. Until they saw the elders drinking a strange “twig tea”.

It turns out the tea works in a way that’s unlike anything guys normally use…

Because it targets the root cause of floppy jalopy, instead of being a bandaid for the symptoms. One doc was so blown away by this discovery that he shared the recipe for the tea in a short video.

The tea is completely natural, and it’s made out of ingredients that might even be growing in your backyard. It takes less than a minute to knock together, then you just take a sip and feel your loins stirring almost straight away.

Some guys are saying it’s the first time in 20 years that they’ve been at full mast. I suggest you mix a little of this tea if you want to see similar results.

Brazilian twig tea = wood in 30 secs