Aphrodisiac Foods That Increase Libido, Male Stamina and Potency

Libido or the desire for lovemaking is the bond that unites two bodies. Lovemaking if done with intense desire brings a fountain of pleasure and happiness in life. Sometimes due to certain reasons, the desire to make love decreases. Low libido is one of the most frightening factors that can spoil your relationship.

There are certain food items that have the property to increase libido, potency, and male stamina. You need a healthy diet to boost potency as well as overall health. Your diet must include plenty of fruits and green vegetables. 

The bromelain enzyme present in bananas increases libido in men. They are a rich source of potassium and B vitamins like riboflavin, which increase overall energy levels and put you in a lovemaking mood.

Figs contain high amounts of amino acids which help you to boost stamina, and potency as well as alleviate your lovemaking mood. Eggs are the food of choice if you are seriously looking to improve your bedroom performance. They are rich in vitamins B5 and B6. These vitamins help balance hormone levels and combat stress and fatigue can decrease libido.

Peaches are a good source of vitamin A, which is important to improve potency. Black beans contain a high amount of certain vitamins that help you stay energized to play longer. Tomatoes are a rich source of vitamin C, which helps in the formation of hormones that are involved in lovemaking potencies such as estrogen, and progesterone.

Foods rich in selenium are also advised to man with low libido. Such food aids in sperm motility and mobility and nearly 50% of the selenium in a man is found in the testes and seminal ducts. Getting enough selenium is very important to perform well in bed. Oily fish, crab, shellfish, cashew nuts, Soybeans, and Brazil Nuts are great sources of selenium.

Foods that contain a good amount of zinc are taken to increase testosterone production. They also help to improve semen volume and keeps sperms healthy. 

Foods rich in zinc are almonds, artichoke, avocado, bananas, beef, cashew, cauliflower, cheese, chicken (dark meat), crab, cucumber, eggs, fish, kidney beans, kiwi fruit, lettuce, lima beans, liver, milk, olives, onion, oysters, parmesan cheese, peaches, peanuts, pork, pumpkin seeds, radish, shellfish, soya beans, spinach, strawberries, turkey (dark meat), walnuts, wheat bran, wheat germ, and yogurt.

Your diet should also contain a good amount of iron. Foods rich in iron are spinach, turnip, cabbage, broccoli, green beans, beetroots, asparagus, parsley, watercress, corn, brussels sprouts, kidney beans, black beans, soybeans, soy milk, wheat germ, oatmeal, cereal, oysters, tuna, salmon, shrimp, beef and meat.

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Brazilian twig tea = wood in 30 secs

An unusual discovery changes everything we thought we knew about getting rigid. Researchers studied a tribe deep in the mountains of Brazil…

Where the people have no modern meds like blue pellets. And they discovered that the elders – guys in their fifties, sixties, seventies, and beyond – were still banging the young chicks in the tribe every day.

And I’m talking for hours on end, without any chemical stimulation whatsoever. Researchers couldn’t work out how these men were still so virile, when so many men in America struggle. Until they saw the elders drinking a strange “twig tea”.

It turns out the tea works in a way that’s unlike anything guys normally use…

Because it targets the root cause of floppy jalopy, instead of being a bandaid for the symptoms. One doc was so blown away by this discovery that he shared the recipe for the tea in a short video.

The tea is completely natural, and it’s made out of ingredients that might even be growing in your backyard. It takes less than a minute to knock together, then you just take a sip and feel your loins stirring almost straight away.

Some guys are saying it’s the first time in 20 years that they’ve been at full mast. I suggest you mix a little of this tea if you want to see similar results.

Brazilian twig tea = wood in 30 secs