How Do You Get a Guy Back After You Cheated on Him With His Best Friend?

This is a difficult one. The two people that he is closest with have betrayed him. It would have been bad enough if you had gone of with someone he did not know, to go of with someone so close will really hurt him.

His world will have collapsed, his self-confidence will have taken a beating, and he will be hurt and angry. How do you get a back, after you cheated on him with his best friend? Slowly and patiently.

First, you need to ask yourself some questions. Why did you cheat on someone you love? Is your relationship struggling, do you not love your boyfriend anymore, do you have more of a connection with the best friend, or was it a silly mistake? 

For a relationship to work, you both have to be fully committed to making it work. If you have doubts or problems then you should have been talking them through with your boyfriend. If it was a silly, never to be repeated mistake, then you have a relationship to fight for.

How do you get a guy back after you cheated on him with his best friend? By being very careful about what you say. Your boyfriend will be angry, you have wounded his pride by this suggestion that he was not enough for you. 

He will be on an emotional rollercoaster, and he has to be allowed to work his way through it. If he is not given the chance to work through his emotions, then he might not be able to deal with the hurt that has been done to him.

Whatever you do, do not cry! On the one hand, you will demean yourself by coming across as weak and pathetic, on the other hand, your tears will look like emotional blackmail. Your boyfriend was the one who was wronged, and you should not take anything away from that.

The chances are that your boyfriend will end your relationship. This is not because he doesn't love you anymore, it is because he is angry with you. I know that him being angry is not a nice thing, but in being angry with you it shows that he has feelings for you. So accept your break up and don't fight it. By accepting what has happened, it makes it easier to deal with the situation.

Your boyfriends language might become quite harsh, but whatever he says to you, no matter how hurtful, just accept it and don't answer back. If you answer back then you will just be fuelling his anger. If you do not fuel his anger then he will calm down far quicker, which will be better for both of you and your relationship.

Don't beg for forgiveness and don't make excuses. At some point he will want to know why, but not now. You need to take responsibility for your actions. It was your choice to cheat on him so tell him that you made a terrible mistake, tell him that you are sorry for the hurt and grief that you caused him, and tell him that you will never cheat on him again. 

He needs to know that you are struggling with the enormity of what you have done. He needs to know that you understand what it has done to him and that you are truly sorry for it.

Then you need to give him time to think. If he sees you then he is only going to be reminded of the cheating. He needs time to be able to get his head around the fact that you were unfaithful to him. He needs to be able to move beyond the fact that you cheated on him. Some guys won't be able to do that, if your guy is one of those then finish the relationship, it will make both of your lives a misery if you do not.

If he still loves you, and you still love him, then your relationship should be able to go forward, but you will have some talking to go through. When he asks about what happened, tell him everything, otherwise his imagination could run riot. The fact that you cheated.

Now Listen Very Carefully Here:

12 words that trigger a man’s love response

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12 Words That Trigger A Man’s Love Response

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If now is a good time, you’ll want to watch this life changing presentation while it’s still up.

12 words that trigger a man’s love response.