Dangerous Myth That Men Have About Erectile Dysfunction That Is Killing Their Sexual Health

Myth # 1: "Men with Erectile dysfunctions and other sexual dysfunctions make men have no desire whatsoever in sex."

Fact: Many men even though they have erectile problems are often still able to have ejaculations and get aroused.


This is not true, just like women, men's sexual desire hormone levels decrease with age. This can result in that men can start having sexual problems as early as the age 30 because of lowering of testosterone levels. For most men however, this usually happens around the age of 60.

Another main reason is simply that men are no longer able to hold an erection. This being the case it doesn't mean that they don't have sexual desires, it just means there's a problem in the 3 step erection having process (See our main webpage for complete explanation of this process).

Even though they can't hold an erection, these men are still able to ejaculate and have an orgasm. Most men with a male sexual dysfunction are still capable of producing sperm and procreate. In most cases, erectile dysfunctions are caused by medically conditions and don't necessarily have anything to do with sexual desires. (See the table below for some of the more common causes of erectile dysfunctions.)

Psychological Causes of Sexual Dysfunction: (note: causes are more common in younger men.)

  • Anger towards a partner
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Discord or boredom with a partner
  • Fear of pregnancy, dependence on another person, or losing control
  • Feeling of detachment from sexual activities or one's partner, fear of intimacy
  • Guilt
  • Inhibitions or ignorance about sexual behavior
  • Performance anxiety (worrying about performance during intercourse)
  • Previous traumatic sexual experiences (for example, rape, incest, sexual abuse, or previous sexual dysfunction).

Physical Causes of Sexual Dysfunction:

  • Atherosclerosis, diabetes or a blood clot) or surgery on the blood vessels can cause erectile dysfunction
  • Abnormalities in the veins of the penis
  • Neurological(nerve) damage caused by prostate surgery, spinal disease, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, peripheral nerve disorders, stroke, alcohol and drugs.
  • Hormonal disturbances
  • Low energy caused by: illness, fatigue and/or stress
  • Drugs: antihypertensives, antidepressants, some sedatives, cimetidine, digoxin, lithium and antipsychotics

Myth # 2: "Erectile dysfunction is not normal and doesn't happen to real men"


  1. Most men, at some point in their lives, will have difficulty getting or keeping erection.
  2. This occurs in males of all age groups, not just older men!
  3. It is estimated that 20-30 million men in U.S. suffer from recurring erectile problems.

Most men feel totally ashamed when it comes to having erectile dysfunction (I know this was my feeling when I first started to have this problem), they feel that they are alone out there and that their problem is unique. 

This can sometimes even result in depression and other severe psychological problems (as you've already discovered earlier this can only make things a lot worse.) This belief couldn't be more farther from the truth.

The fact is that 90% of men will experience a sexual dysfunction in some form or another at some time in their lifetime. It is estimated that nearly 100 million men around the world are experiencing some kind of sexual dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction/ed/impotence has almost become somewhat of an epidemic affecting 15 - 30 million men in the US only.

Also Pay Close Attention To This:

Remove “penile clog” in 15 minutes with this

New research shows that if a man cannot “get it up” in the bedroom. It’s NOT because of his poor blood circulation and It’s NOT even down to his low testosterone levels.
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