A Few Differences Between Men And Women's Fragrances

Sense of smell is one of the most powerful in the animal kingdom. It allows many types of predatory animals to seek out their prey, and being able to sniff out trouble is vital to a prey animal's survival. 

Although people's sense of smell is not as strong as certain other mammals, it is still one of the most acute of the five senses.

Some men shy away from wearing cologne, preferring a more natural scent. There are also men who feel that wearing cologne is too feminine. However, men and women both have been wearing perfumes of all sorts for thousands of years. 

As to whether or not a particular fragrance is considered feminine, depends on the scent you choose. Luckily, there are people employed who are able to create scents that both men and women can be comfortable wearing.

Most men do not want to walk around smelling like flowers. These kinds of fragrances are generally preferred by women. Men's cologne tend to have more woodsy and/or fruity tones. 

There are also many that simply smell clean. If you have ever compared the smell of men and women's perfumes and colognes, you will probably notice a distinct difference in most of them.

If you have never worn cologne before but you're interested in trying it out, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First of all, some colognes will not work well for people who have trouble with their skin. If you have sensitive skin, you will probably want to look for something that is made specifically for people with this issue.

For those who have normal skin, most colognes will work. However, because every person has a natural scent that is uniquely their own, whichever cologne you choose will probably smell a little differently on you than it does on other people. 

That is one of the fun things about fragrances; no matter what it smells like in the bottle, when it mixes with your body's natural scent, you have something truly original.

You should also keep in mind, that not everyone appreciates things that smell too strong, including human bodies. No matter how appealing a fragrance may be to you, too much of a good thing can be offensive to others. 

When it comes to making yourself smell better and attracting the kind of attention you want, be sure not to overdo it with the spraying and/or splashing.