The 10 Biggest Myths About Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation is a serious problem for a lot of men. For many men, satisfying a woman in bed can seem like little more than a dream. 

To make things worse, there are many misconceptions about premature ejaculation and the ability to last longer in bed.

Myth #1

PE is a sexual disease that has no cure.

While premature ejaculation may seem like a disease, it actually is not. With practice, you can learn how to re-train your ejaculatory system, and learn how to delay ejaculation.

Myth #2

Condoms are a solution to PE.

While some men have reported that condoms did in fact help them last longer, many men are unaffected. The problem is that early ejaculation is caused by your arousal levels, not your physical sensation. Plus have the 'desensitizing' condoms will make it nearly impossible for her to orgasm as they affect the women as well.

Myth #3

Pills are the answer.

Pills have never had a proven track record to cure premature ejaculation. The only solution is naturally training yourself to control your ejaculation. Usually, pills are just filled with useless ingredients that do little more them empty your wallet.

Myth #4

Premature ejaculation is caused by poor masturbation habits.

I used to believe this was true, which actually did some emotional damage. I kept thinking, "damn I did this to myself!" But masturbation habits have never been linked to PE. There are many men who masturbate quickly but can last over 30 minutes in bed. However, good masturbation practice can help you last longer in bed.

Myth #5

Just because you only last 2 minutes in bed, you aren't a good lover.

How long you last in bed actually has little to do with how well you can satisfy your women in bed. If you can give her mind-shattering orgasms through oral sex, you'll be light years ahead of most men. So focus on pleasing her, and less about how long you last.

Myth #6

The distraction technique will help you last longer.

While this is true for some men I still decided to add this to the harmful myths surround PE. Not only does this defeat the purpose of having sex, but you never be a good lover. Being a good lover requires you to be completely tuned in to the experience. If you're distracted, you'll never be able to satisfy her.

Myth #7

Curing PE requires you to work with your partner.

You don't need a partner to learn how to overcome premature ejaculation, although in some cases it might help. You can practice ejaculatory control on your own. And during masturbation, practice containing your arousal levels. There are plenty of things you can work on by yourself.

Myth #8

You'll never be able to last a really long time in bed.

While many men suffering from PE never learn how to last over a couple of minutes in bed, this doesn't have to be your fate. Just like you had to learn how to ride a bicycle as a child, you have to learn ejaculatory control. The more you practice, the better results you will see.

Eventually, the amount of time you last in bed will come down to how much effort you're willing to put in. It's not impossible for you to last over an hour in bed, even if you're only lasting a couple of seconds right now.

Myth #9

Premature ejaculation only affects your sex life.

Not lasting long enough in bed puts an incredible amount of stress on yourself and your partner. It will only be a matter of time before this issue begins to affect more than just your sex life.

Myth #10

There is nothing I can do right now to last longer in bed.

While you may be able to last '30 - 60 minutes tonight' as most programs promise, you can make some serious improvement starting right now. Things like breathing techniques and muscles relaxation will make a better difference in stopping ejaculating.