Can Premature Ejaculation Be Cured by Stopping Masturbation?

There are literally two answers to this question. Which are YES and NO

1. NO

Firstly, let's take the No part (This part may sound funny)

No, in the sense that, if you do masturbation correctly, is a good practice and in a good manner. It will reduce a little bit of tension in the body. Masturbation has many advantages and it also has absolute disadvantages.


        It reduces tension
        It makes you sleep better
        It gives you sexual hopes
        it makes you feel like a human again


        It weakens the immune
        it deadens the sexual nerves
        It will make you look unhealthy
        it will make your blood pressure high.

2. YES

Yes, masturbation is bad for your health if you do it continually. For example, you masturbate 2 to 4 times in a day, your immune system will be weak and also weaken your sexual nerves (like the contraction muscle).

If you stop masturbation (only if you are doing it more than once a week), you will gain and recover from your sexual weakness. You will knock out premature ejaculation. When your muscles heal, you will be sexually healthy, and premature ejaculation will flee.

Also here is something important you don't want to miss!

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