Every man and his dog secretly loos into penis enlargement as a way to improve our most prized and important area. (You know it’s true!) But many don’t bother to buy a penis enlargement product because there’s a negative stigma surrounding the exercise.
Does it really work? Is it dangerous? How do I know who to trust? I was just like you are now but I was in dire straights. My penis was 3 inches, and it needed to change, so this forced me to buy penis enhancement products to rectify my problem. After a decade of trying I now know what works and what to stay away from. To discover it all just read on my friend…
Penis weights were the first way men ever tried to improve their penis size. Indian tribesmen used to hang weights from their penis to please their wives long before books were written or civilization took hold.
Weights are pretty dangerous as they can tear and split your penis, leaving you impotent and in severe pain. It’s the most primitive form of penis enlargement, yet many companies still try to sell you weights in the pursuit of profit.
Of all the products I’ve tried there are only two types I’ve avoided. I never tried weights (although I did purchase some — they terrified me!) and I’ve never gone under the surgeon's scalpel to try to improve my length and girth. I have tried everything else — the most common of which are;
- Penis Enlargement Pumps
- Penis Pills
- Penis Enlargement Patches
- Penis Enlargement Exercises
- Biochemical Penis Enhancement
Of each product type I’ve tried more than a handful, so all in all I’ve attempted to enlarge my penis with over 100 different products. The total cost of all this to me has been just shy of $18,000!
Was it worth it, you may ask? Thankfully, finally, I gained some substantial growth, but I made many scary mistakes along the way. The risk can be astronomical — be it through impotence, Peyronie’s disease, scarring, scar tissue, urinary incontinence, splitting the penile chambers, rashes, infections, toxins from pills, and much more. Sadly, I’ve experienced a number of this firsthand, but in the end, my penis grew.
You can blow a fortune on penis enlargement without seeing solid results. Pills are a complete money-sap. They drain your cash from you quickly and easily. Consider that you spend $50 a month, changing products every few months, for 4 years. That in itself is an awful lot of cash. Extenders and patches also failed me. Pumps can lead to all sorts of problems.
I started to look into the biochemical sector purely out of desperation.
Boy am I glad I did?! While the first few products I found were hugely expensive, I later discovered better, less expensive forms of biochemical enlargement which improved the size of my member all the way to 8 inches.