How Long Does Jelqing For Penis Enlargement Really Take?

A common question for those looking to do jelqing for penis enlargement, is how long does it actually take?

Unfortunately, many guys believe they can jelq for a few days and see results. It takes a few days, or more, to just get used to this male enhancement exercise technique, let alone see results.

So how long does jelqing for penis enlargement really take?

Let’s break it down like this:

1–2 weeks

After 1–2 weeks you should be used to the exercise and able to do it rather easily. Will you see actual results? Likely not, but then some guys do in fact report some results after this period. Nevertheless, you won’t see any HUGE results after only a week or two.

1 Month

After a month many guys begin noticing increased thickness and some minor length gain. The men that don’t experience anything usually haven’t been consistent or have been fumbling around trying to do the exercises correctly. 1 month means a solid month of consistent jelqing for penis enlargement.

3 Months

This is where the big and noticeable gains can come in. Many guys see very noticeable results after this period and are encouraged to actually continue on to see if they can get even bigger.

6 Months

Generally, this tends to be the period where the “insane gains” show up. While some guys may hit their peak after 3 or 4 months, many guys see major size increases after 6 months.

So you see it’s not just an overnight process with jelqing. But it also doesn’t take years either. Many guys reach their goals at the 6-month mark, and many achieve great size before then. The key is learning the proper exercise technique and being consistent with performing them.

Now Listen Very Carefully Here:

FACT: 75% of men don’t do the enlargement exercises the right way

This routine guarantees that you will experience a penis size increase, and the exercises only take 6 minutes a day. 

Download ‘HANDS ON’ exercise videos now.