Can Men in Their 20’s and 30’s Have Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile Dysfunction is not the same condition as premature ejaculation. Men with premature ejaculation are able to achieve an erection sufficient for sexual intercourse, but due to overstimulation of the penis, ejaculate within one to two minutes of beginning intercourse with their partner.

Men with erectile issues, on the other hand, are unable to achieve hard erections capable of vaginal penetration or are not able to achieve an erection at all.

Leading Causes of Erectile Dysfunction in Men in their 20’s and 30's.

Excessive drinking of alcohol and binge drinking among young men, especially between the ages of 22 and 30, can lead to ED. I did my share of drinking in college and found it difficult to perform while intoxicated. Mild or moderate alcohol use can result in temporary impotence, and normal erections will return once the alcohol is out of your system. 

But, when drinking becomes excessive, it is believed that alcohol acts as a sedative on the central nervous system, thus depressing the male libido and sexual desire, which in turn inhibits the brain from sending signals to the heart to pump blood to the penis. A lack of blood flow to the penis prevents your ability to maintain or achieve an erection.

Smoking can cause impotence, due to nicotine build-up can cause hardening of the arteries, which restricts blood flow through the veins. Arterial sclerosis restricts blood flow and thus can prevent the massive amount of blood required for you to achieve an erection, resulting in your impotence.

Obesity has unfortunately become an epidemic in this country, affecting children, teenagers, young adults, and up. This disease tends to follow men and women through adulthood, if not addressed. Obesity leads to heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure. This trifecta results in the three main medical causes of erectile dysfunction.

Many young men are taking supplements for weight gain and to build muscle mass. While these health supplements do have some benefits for your muscle, they are also packed with sodium and partially hydrogenated oils. These ingredients can lead to high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease, which are two leading culprits that impact a man’s ability to achieve an erection.

Mental causes of ED include depression, stress, anxiety, and insomnia. When one of these conditions causes ED, usually once the condition is cured, normal sexual behavior returns. When the condition becomes chronic, this can lead to long-term sexual dysfunction. 

The stress and anxiety that accompanies a man’s inability to perform sexually create a vicious cycle of non-stop ED and performance anxiety that not only affects a man’s self-confidence but can eventually affect his relationships with women.

Natural Cures for Erectile Dysfunction

The best natural supplement for erectile dysfunction I have found through my analysis of available supplements is Zenerx. Most natural cures for impotence only address the issue of relaxing blood vessels to improve blood flow and thus increase erections. 

This natural erectile dysfunction cure also includes natural ingredients that in addition to treating erectile dysfunction, allow men to achieve harder erections, and improve sexual desire and libido, stamina, and sperm production.

If you have been diagnosed with depression, stress, or anxiety and do not want to take an anti-depressant or anxiety medication due to the side effects, try the Release Technique. This natural technique requires no pills. 

If you already suffer from impotence as a result of your mental issues, drugs that treat these conditions also lead to erectile dysfunction, so you will be on a never-ending chase to cure your erection problems. I have been using this technique for three years. It cured my stress and anxiety quickly and naturally.

If your weight is causing your erection problems, then the key is to eat a healthy diet high in vito-nutrients. These can be found in green leafy vegetables. Omega-3 Fatty Acids from nuts and salmon help control cholesterol build-up. Red fruits and vegetables contain lycopene, which relaxes blood vessels, and acts like a natural Viagra.

I hope this article has helped you understand what is causing your erectile dysfunction.

CAUTION: Now I need you to pay very close attention to this

Remove “penile clog” in 15 minutes with this

New research shows that if a man cannot “get it up” in the bedroom… It’s NOT because of his poor blood circulation and… It’s NOT even down to his low testosterone levels… It’s something completely different than you can reverse in 48 hours with the help of a potent “erectile tonic” that stiffens you up in 2 minutes or so… 

Discover the potent “erectile tonic” men are taking to rapidly harden up in bed.