If there is one thing common amongst male enhancement products, that is none other than their promise to make your penis bigger and longer. Manufacturers will promise everything just to get you to purchase their product and take advantage of your desire to achieve a bigger penis.
Male enhancement pills are said to be the most popular method today, but it does not mean that it is the most effective. As a matter of fact, a lot of men's health experts are saying that you should avoid penis enlargement pills as much as possible.
Here are the 10 reasons why you need to avoid male enhancement pills:
1. The concept is too farfetched
The way manufacturers promote penis enlargement pills prevents us from thinking properly. Imagine being able to enlarge your penis just by taking dozens of genetically modified herbs combined together on a daily basis.
Yes, taking these male enhancement pills "maybe" be safe, but the concept of male enhancement pills is just too hard to believe.
2. Ineffective or poor result
The "best penis enlargement pill" that I have found is promising to increase your penis by an inch in length and 0.5 inches in girth after 6 months of continued use. Isn't that something that can be classified as "poor result?" Yes, you may gain something but it is definitely not what we want for our penis.
3. The price is very impractical
1 inch in length and 0.5 inches in girth after six months; did you know that penis enlargement pills can cost up to $300? If you are going to consider the "small" gains that you can achieve, I can say that male enhancement pills are definitely very expensive.
4. Recurring expenses
Aside from the fact that penis enlargement pills are very expensive, you will also be spending more money as you desire to gain more. Another inch in length and 0.5 inches in girth means you'll need to buy another 6-month supply of penis enlargement pills.
5. Another added expense
Are you familiar with these? "This penis enlargement pill works best with this device" or "To achieve the best results, take this male enhancement pill together with this program." It may seem like professional advice, but these are made to suck in more money from your pocket.
The faster you spend, the faster you gain inches; the more you spend, the bigger your penis becomes; that's how male enhancement pills work.
6. There are a lot of side effects
There are a lot of penis enlargement pills that are associated with side effects. As a matter of fact, 90% of these male enhancement pills can cause irreversible damages.
Unless you are pretty sure about the penis enlargement pill that you are going to take, I would advise that you stay away from them as much as possible.
7. It is prone to complications
Penis enlargement pills work like patches and oils; there are a lot of complications associated with it, especially if you are not taking it properly or if you are not taking the right pill. Some of the complications are temporary impotence and erectile dysfunction.
8. Lack of medical certification
Unlike other products, penis pills lack medical endorsements. The doctors who are endorsing pills are oftentimes the ones who manufactured or invented the "solution." If you are going to take a medical product, make sure that you look for real medical certifications and endorsements.
9. Tons of complaints
Search the Internet and you'll know what I'm talking about. According to the most recent study, 93% of men who used penis enlargement pills were either not satisfied with the result or suffered from irreversible damages.
10. Short-term guarantee
100% money-back guarantee, that's a very common thing amongst male enhancement products. The problem with penis enlargement pills is that most of them are only giving a 60-day money-back guarantee.
This may sound tempting at first, but if you look further, most of these pills will start to take effect after 3 months - a month after your money-back guarantee expires.
These are the reasons why you need to avoid penis enlargement pills. Of course, there are some that do work, but I would suggest that you stay with the safest method - stem cell penis enlargement
We all have enough "Stem Cells" in our bodies to make our Penis grow 10 inches if we wanted.
Stem cells are the most incredible cell-type in nature. Here's why...
They can become any type of cell. A heart cell, a brain cell or - you guessed it - a pen1s cell! Get more cells in your shaft and it *will* grow!
And today you're going to see proof!
Have you struggled to grow 'down there'?!
Stem cells are the answer. When your body doesn't have enough of 'em - and stem cells decline with age - then you have no chance in hell of getting bigger.
Get more stem cells into and follow a specific formula and growth isn't a possibility, it's virtually a certainty.
On the next page, you'll see all the fluff science and take a revolutionary quiz to see how big stem cells can make YOU, based on your size, age and race. This quiz is something I've never seen before.
Take it now to see YOUR growth potential!